
HAC Member States Ministerial Joint Statement for INC-5
We, the 68 Ministers of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution, reaffirm our common ambition to protect human health and the environment from the severe effects of plastic pollution, inc[...] Read more
HAC Member States Ministerial Joint Statement for INC-4
In advance of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment[...] Read more
HAC Member States Ministerial Joint Statement INC-3
In advance of the third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment [...] Read more
Co-Chairs INC-3 written submission on the Elimination & Restrictions of Polymers and Chemicals of Concern, and Problematic and Avoidable Plastic Products
At its second session, the INC requested the Secretariat to invite written submissions on (a) Elements not discussed at INC-2, such as principles and scope of the instrument, and (b) Any potential are[...] Read more
High Ambition Coalition Joint Ministerial Statement INC-2
Before the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, we, 59 Ministers of [...] Read more
High Ambition Briefing Event in Paris and online 26 May
Event date and time: Friday 26 May 2023 from 12:00 to 14:15 CET Live on Youtube  The High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution and WWF International, in partnership with the Business Coalition[...] Read more
Webinar on 23 May: Plastics on the Peak: Eliminating releases of plastic waste to air, water and land in mountainous regions
Austria and Georgia, in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as the Co-Chairs of the High Ambition Coalition, will co-host a webinar titled Plastics on the Peak: Eliminating releases of plastic waste [...] Read more
Webinar on 15 May: Enhance a circular plastics economy, Eliminate release of plastic to nature and Clean up existing plastic pollution
Monaco, Seychelles and the United Arab Emirates, in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as the Co-Chairs of the Coalition, invite to a webinar titled Enhance a circular plastics economy, Eliminate re[...] Read more
Webinar on 5 May: Eliminate and restrict plastic polymers, chemicals and products of concern
Guinea and Germany, in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as the Co-Chairs of the Coalition, invite to a HAC Webinar titled Eliminate and restrict plastic polymers, chemicals and products of concern[...] Read more
Side Event on 2 May: Plastics Treaty and the BRS COPs
The Governments of Uruguay, Norway and Rwanda as members of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution invite to an BRS COP side-event titled Plastics Treaty and the BRS COPs to launch the R[...] Read more
Webinar on 26 April: Eliminate and restrict problematic single use plastic products and packaging
Australia, in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as the Co-Chairs of the Coalition, invite you to a webinar titled Eliminate and restrict problematic single use plastic products and packaging with s[...] Read more
Webinar on 18 April: Circularity of Plastics, human health and environment
Panama and Ecuador as members of the Coalition invite to a Webinar on Plastics Treaty options for elements titled Circularity of Plastics, human health and environment with participation from Scientis[...] Read more
Webinar on 13 April: Increase circularity throughout the life cycle of plastics
As members of the High Ambition Coalition, Senegal and Switzerland are organizing a webinar on the points of the Plastics Treaty that could help Increase circularity throughout the life cycle of plast[...] Read more
Webinar on 3 April: Eliminate and restrict hazardous chemicals and intentionally added microplastics
Uruguay in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as the Co-Chairs of the Coalition, invite to a webinar titled Eliminate and restrict hazardous chemicals and intentionally added microplastics with spea[...] Read more
Webinar on 22 March: Increasing Circularity of Plastics in the Economy
Norway and Ghana as members of the Coalition invite to a Webinar on Plastics Treaty options for elements titled Increasing Circularity of Plastics in the Economy with participation from Scientists, Ci[...] Read more
Webinar on 16 March: Reducing Plastic Production and Consumption
The Government of Rwanda, as the Co-Chair of the Coalition, invites to a webinar titled Reducing Plastic Production and Consumption with speakers from Governments, Business, Academia, Civil Society an[...] Read more
Co-Chairs INC-2 written submission on Potential options for elements towards an international legally binding instrument
Norway and Rwanda have submitted a written input as co-chairs of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution. At its first session, the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) requested[...] Read more
HAC Member States Joint Statement INC-1
On the first meeting of Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, we the Ministers of the High Am[...] Read more
A global plastics treaty fit for purpose: INC-1 High Ambition Coalition side event
H.E Adrián Peña, Minister of Environment of Uruguay in collaboration with Norway and Rwanda as Co-Chairs of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution, invite to an INC side-event titled A[...] Read more
HAC Briefing at UN in Geneva
New member Cabo Verde joined the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution during last week’s briefing in Geneva, bringing the number of members of the Coalition to 32. More than 60 represent[...] Read more
HAC Briefing at UN in Geneva
The Permanent Missions of Ecuador, Norway, Peru, Rwanda and Switzerland to the UN I Geneva, invites to the following event “Briefing on the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution”. The e[...] Read more
UNGA77 side event: Roadmap to End Plastic Pollution by 2040
The Co-Chairs of the Coalition, H.E Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Rwanda and H.E Espen Barth-Eide, Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway, invite to a [...] Read more
Press Release: Countries aim to end plastic pollution by 2040
Today the Governments of Rwanda and Norway launch The High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution together with Canada, Peru, Germany, Senegal, Georgia, Republic of Korea, UK, Switzerland, Portug[...] Read more