Co-Chairs INC-3 written submission on the Elimination & Restrictions of Polymers and Chemicals of Concern, and Problematic and Avoidable Plastic Products

At its second session, the INC requested the Secretariat to invite written submissions on (a) Elements not discussed at INC-2, such as principles and scope of the instrument, and (b) Any potential areas for inter-sessional work compiled by the cofacilitators of the two contact groups, to inform the work of INC-3.

Norway and Rwanda submitted a written input as co-chairs of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution. This submission presents relevant input and a variety of options on the elimination and restrictions of polymers and chemicals of concern, and problematic and avoidable plastic products, as well as options for intersessional work between INC-3 and INC-4. The options seek to contribute to the strategic goals of the HAC to meet our common ambition to end plastic pollution by 2040. This submission is not intended to replace national submissions Members may submit, nor is it intended to represent an agreed or exhaustive list of measures considered by Members.

Read the written submission here


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