Side Event on 2 May: Plastics Treaty and the BRS COPs

The Governments of Uruguay, Norway and Rwanda as members of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution invite to an BRS COP side-event titled Plastics Treaty and the BRS COPs to launch the Report Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals and discuss how to Eliminate and restrict plastic chemicals of concern with participation from representatives from government, BRS, academia, civil society and business.

The event will take place in person on 2 May 2023 at 1:15 – 2:45 pm (CEST)  in Room C for participants at the BRS COPs.

The event will be streamed online, please register HERE.

Find here the report Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals.



Only around around 4% (128) of 3,200 chemicals of potential concern in plastics are currently regulated around and 6,000 chemicals used in plastics lack hazard data. Certain polymers and chemicals used in plastics (such as softeners or colourants) have long term adverse effects on human health and the environment and/or create barriers for the recycling of plastic waste.

With support from Norway, the BRS Secretariat will launch the report Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals. The main objective of the study is to map the global governance of plastics and associated chemicals, identify governance gaps, and identify complementarities with existing multilateral instruments in particular the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) conventions, in context of ongoing intergovernmental efforts to end plastic pollution. In addition, the study discusses the role of international sustainability criteria for plastics and associated chemicals.

The High Ambition Coalition is working is working towards an international treaty that will eliminate problematic plastics, substances and additives, including by bans and restrictions. A number of legislative initiatives around the world have introduced bans or restrictions on such plastic products. The plastic treaty may include obligations for effectively phasing out, or severely restricting the production and/or use of specific polymers and chemicals that are harmful to the environment and human health, are problematic because they impede circularity or that have a high risk of release into the environment.

This Plastics Treaty and the BRS COPs event provides opportunities for Member States and stakeholders to discuss the Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals and possible options for core obligations and control measures in the plastics treaty to eliminate and restrict plastic polymers and chemicals of concern.



Opening Remarks:

  • H.E. Ambassador Álvaro Moerzinger, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva
  • H.E. Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, Permanent Representative of Norway to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva

 Presentation and launch Global governance of plastics and associated chemicals

  • Karen Raubenheimer, Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong

Panel Debate: Eliminate and restrict plastic polymers and chemicals of concern

Moderator: Magnus Løvold, Norwegian Academy of International Law

  • Linroy Christian, Director of Analytical Services, Department of Analytical Services, Antigua & Barbuda
  • Therese Karlsson, Science and Technical Advisor, IPEN
  • Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention
  • Tim Grabiel, Senior Lawyer & Policy Advisor, Environment investigation Agency
  • Karen Raubenheimer, Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong
  • Niko Urho, Senior Research Fellow, University of Massachusetts, Boston

 Closing remarks:

  • H.E. Ambassador Marie Chantal Rwakazina Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva.




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