Webinar on 16 March: Reducing Plastic Production and Consumption

The Government of Rwanda, as the Co-Chair of the Coalition, invites to a webinar titled Reducing Plastic Production and Consumption with speakers from Governments, Business, Academia, Civil Society and the UN.

The event will take place on 16 March 2023 at 14:00 CET via Zoom.

Register HERE


Introduction to the High Ambition Coalition and webinar theme by HAC representative

Panel discussion:

  • Juliet Kabera, Director-General, Rwanda Environment Management Authority
  • Ed Shepherd, Senior Global Sustainability Manager – Circular Economy, Unilever
  • Bethanie Carney Almroth, Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
  • Sulan Chen, Principal Technical Advisor and Global Lead, Plastics Offer, United Nations Development Programme
  • Tim Gabriel, Environmental Investigation Agency

Q&A with audience

Moderator: Magnus Løvold, Norwegian Academy of International Law


Plastic pollution constitutes a planetary crisis with impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, the climate and human health. Plastic consumption and production have reached unsustainable levels. Plastic consumption has quadrupled over the past 30 years. Global plastic production has doubled from 2000 to 2019 reaching 460 million tonnes. Much of this growth is driven by a massive increase in the production of single-use plastics for packaging and consumer goods, which accounts for half of plastic waste generation. Current projections stipulate that plastic production will double in the next 20 years. The world will not be able to manage the volume of plastic waste and avoid leakage. The plastic treaty should include control measures that will minimize demand of plastics and increase the supply of recycled plastics for use in new plastic products.

Measures and targets for keeping the supply of primary plastic polymers (including both fossil fuel and bio-based) within sustainable levels is needed to reduce pressure on the environment globally. In addition, it will be necessary to develop markets for non-toxic secondary materials. Measures to reduce production of plastic polymers will also complement efforts to reduce GHG emissions.

This event provides opportunities for Member States and stakeholders to discuss possible options for core obligations and control measures in the plastics treaty to reduce the production of primary plastic polymers. The Co-Chairs of the High Ambition Coalition have presented options that each party should be required to take effective measures to reduce the production of primary plastics polymers to an agreed level to reach a common target.

Measures could include, inter alia, taxes, tariffs, fees, production permits and licenses, moratoriums, bans, regulations, and removal of negative fiscal incentives, such as subsidies that support expansion of plastics production. And each party should be required to report on the quantities and type of plastic polymers produced as well as the quantities and type of chemicals applied in production.

Read the whole submission on Potential options for elements towards an international legally binding instrument by the co-chairs of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution


Recording of the event


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